The Momentum Options Trading System


What is the Momentum Options Trading System?

A comprehensive trading strategy which analyzes more than 14 different studies/indicators, 11 technical price charts and 9 timeframes to only signal the highest quality day and swing trades.

Before you begin trading, it's a good idea to understand the type of assets you are investing in.

Our system analyzes the thousands of assets in the market each week to produce a list of only the best ones which are in the right conditions to signal profitable trades using our algorithms. We call this our Weekly Watchlist. These assets are without question some of the best stocks to invest your money in as their trends are strong and tend to keep pushing to new 52W highs until they fall off our list.

Using our Ignition Point Scanners we are able to identify when these assets are in the perfect conditions to signal using our price tools, ORBI for Day Trading (5m charts) and SwingTraderPro for Swing Trading (D charts).

Our scanners analyze all the factors relevant to our strategy to highlight the stocks on our list which are in the absolute strongest conditions and likely to signal trades which have not only the potential to run to multiple profit targets for big gains but the least amount of risk because market makers are on our side.

Our price tools signal the trades according to our strategy but only if all the necessary conditions are met. ORBI which our trader uses in the Momentum Alerts Discord Channel was designed to only signal trades when the probability of making money is high and the risk is low. With numerous built in safety features our program is far ahead of anything else available to retail investors.

The System includes our proprietary Market Internals tool which lets our trader know in real-time what is happening in the market, whether we have entered a Bullish Day, Bearish Day, or even when it's choppy and it's better to sit on hands. Market Internals alerts traders to many unique market conditions including when markets are setup to "Rally", or "Sell Off" and "At Extreme" conditions which suggest price has completed its move and is likely running into resistance or finding support.

The Momentum Options Trading System was designed to help traders focus their attention on only the best investments which have the least amount of risk, the greatest amount of reward and a very high probability of making us money. 

All users of the system have to do is:

1. Trade stocks from the Weekly Watchlist when populating on our scanners.

  • Stocks to Trade - Bullish Conditions
  • Bearish Tickers - Bearish Conditions
  • In-The-Buy Zone (for SwingTraderPro) - Buying Opportunities

2. Enter when signaled by our algos

  • ORBI - 5m candles
  • SwingTraderPro - Daily Candles

3. Exit when price closes beyond stop-loss or opposite trade is signaled (SwingTraderPro). 

That's it. The programs do the rest.

The Momentum Options Trading Strategy has a 89% Win Rate

All you have to do is follow the rules to stack the odds in your favor and keep yourself in the green

Download a Copy of The Win Rate Report

Example of a Bullish Day Using The Momentum Options Trading System


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To inquire about access to the Momentum Options Trading System, simply fill out the form below and our team will get back to you in the next 24 hours.

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