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Learn to think different and become like the 1% ā€“ Trading Psychology

blog Aug 01, 2019

Are you tired of losing in the market? Do you have big wins that occur randomly followed by uncontrollable losses? If you want to trade like a PRO you have to learn to think like a PRO. This blog post is focused on helping you learn to do exactly that.

It is time for you to stop thinking like the 99%, STOP being like everyone else, BECOME the trader you want to be. It all starts with a choice. A conscious effort of telling yourself you CAN do this, you ARE a winner, what follows is the plan. The better the plan, the more success you have, simple as that. The real challenge most traders inherently learn and what separates a novice from a PRO is the Pro’s ability to accept his loss and move on to the next trade.

If what you have been doing has been working and you don’t feel like you could improve your mindset, close this article and go on doing whatever it is that you think is better. For the rest of you pay attention!

To have a PRO trader mindset you need to develop a few things:

  1. Patience – you need to learn to be like a tiger waiting in the grass for its prey. Not every set up is going to meet your requirements for entry but when the moment comes you need to be able to execute without delay.
  2. Discipline – you MUST enter when these qualified set ups present themselves and just as importantly if not more so you MUST exit when the charts tell you to stop out.
  3. A Positive Mindset – Why is this so important? Keeping focused is key to success in this job. That means when you must stop yourself you can not be emotional! The market didn’t do anything to you, you didn’t do anything to yourself, everything is ok! It is simply time to move on to the next one and put your money somewhere where it WILL work for you! Developing a positive mental attitude about trading goes a long way and the law of attraction is very powerful. Good things come to those who believe and do something about it. Is that you or not?

The PlanWhy are you entering? When do you stop out? Where do you take profit?

This is the most important because without answers to these questions you are essentially trading blind. If you win you don’t know why and if you lose its even more mind boggling.

There are many different tools traders use to identify set ups and develop an edge. A few that I have found extremely useful are 8 and 21 EMA, different types of Fibonacci, 50,100,200 SMAs (higher time frames), RSI, DMI, and TTM Squeeze. With my strategy using a combination of these tools we are able to develop a very high probability, high reward trading system but the key to any strategy is understanding the plan.

  1. Why am I entering?
  2. When do I stop out?
  3. Where do I take profit?

If you know the answers to these questions your trades become very simple. You enter when you are supposed to, exit when you are given the signal, and take profit at high probability resistance zones effectively maximizing gains while minimizing losses.

You may have heard that trading is 80% mental and 20% technical this is because even the most successful active traders have win rates of only around 60%, the thing they do best is keep losers small and those winners BIG. I teach both the technical and mental aspects of trading in my course because it is KEY to your success to develop both of these skills, a strong technical background and a PRO trader’s mindset.

If you feel this is an area you could improve on start by doing something simple today, go online and watch something motivational, something positive, start training yourself to believe in yourself. Train your brain to be strong and disciplined. The only thing that separates a novice from more wealth than they ever imagined is a good plan and a strong mental fortitude. Or take a big step, and take our class, learn a high probability trading system that will maximize your gains and minimize your losses as well as learning to develop that PRO mindset!


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