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A perfect example of Swing Trading on High Momentum Stocks

Aug 09, 2021

RIOT was one of the stocks we were paying attention to in our Momentum Trades last week and on Friday, when price crossed above our bullish entry, our users knew it was time to grab some calls to swing over the weekend. 

As you may have heard, Bitcoin rallied all the way back up over the 35 000 level this weekend so naturally RIOT followed and all our Momentum Trades subscribers had to do was follow the plan to secure some excellent profits after holding over the weekend! 

We entered 8/13/2021 35.5c @ 1.99 on Friday, locked in 1/3 of our position at the 1st target at the open for 2.89 (+45%), another 1/3 above the 2nd target on the first candle for 4.60 (+131%), and the last shortly after at our second and final target for 4.90(+146%).

Not a bad way to start the week!

Price always tells you what's about to happen you just have to understand how to read it. There is a major difference between predicting price and following along, learn to follow along so you can start participating in some of the best moves the market has to offer! 

If you are a beginner, our Momentum Trades are our swing trades and a great place to start as they are designed to give new users an introduction to trading and are also a great place to learn what makes a good trade as well as how to execute. 

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