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AMD view by ORBI and SwingTrader 📈

Jun 02, 2022

This week started out choppy but traders who showed up to Monday night’s live expected that. We also knew to keep a close watch on AMD as it was the main setup we were waiting to get in on in our #MomentumTrades and today we got the signal!

At 9:55 A.M. E.S.T #ORBI was signaling our entry for today’s day trade on #AMD and by 2:45 P.M. E.S.T. we were out with profits.

Entered AMD 6/3/2022 102c @ 2.50

Exited 102c @ 6.57 for +162.80% ROI

As I mentioned, AMD was the main focus of our #MomentumTrades this week and that setup began playing out today with price already running to our first major target at 108.56.

Let’s see how far the rest of this trade can run!

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