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Profits on AMD ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“ˆ using Swing Trader!

Aug 18, 2023

Tuesday afternoon I arrived home from our vacation in France only to find out markets were breaking below support levels and looking to sell off according to the analysis I shared on Sunday evening. 

After my trip I was pretty tired, so I was looking to move slow and let high probability swing setups come to me. Work a little but mostly take it easy.
So that's what I did. AMD was the trade of the week. Wednesday's close, AMD signaled "Pulling Back" on SwingTrader so it was clear what had to be done. With VIX spiking and my targets clear I entered 109/104put debit spreads for 2.33. 
After that, I set some orders and checked in on things at market open / market close to lock in gains and set advanced orders.
On Thursday this ticker started working its way down towards targets and by the close I had already locked in a significant return, reducing my risk in the process. 
So Today (Friday), when markets opened lower and SwingTrader signaled a "Buy" on AMD after its gap down, that let us know it was time to lock in that gain, exit shorts and look to enter long positions for the bounce back up.
With things happening so fast I switched to see what was happening in the near-term and noticed price targeting today's highs and the support levels broken on Wednesday, so I entered 102/107c @ 1.95 for that quick move back up. By the end of the day, I'd closed half the position for an additional 25% ROI. 
Not a bad way to come back to work after a nice vacation and I only really worked about 30min per day at the market open/close. 
If you want to learn more about the Momentum Options Trading System and how it works to profit from the market with an 89% success rate ->

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