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The Rally Continues! 📈

Mar 24, 2022

Today (Thursday), #MarketInternals opened bright green indicating buyers were outpacing sellers by more than 5:1 on #SPY and #QQQ so our traders knew to be on the lookout for breakout opportunities! 

Our #BullishSymbols scan, which populate in real-time with stocks getting ready to give great signals, you can see that AAPL, AMD, SPY and XLK were all stocks that our users knew where to focus their attention. 

With #AAPL signaling “Breakout” on #SwingTrader yesterday and that swing running to its first target going into the close our users were able to score additional profits on that move with ORBI DayTrader signaling entry late this afternoon after price spent most of the day consolidating in a range.

#AMD also popped up in the scanners for the first time this week around 10 AM and shortly after signaled a “Breakout” with ORBI letting users know it was time to enter before price quickly rallied to multiple targets.

This was also a trade we had on our radar with the setup being included in our MomentumTrades (sent out every Sunday night to help prepare our traders for the week ahead).

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