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NKE seen by ORBI DayTrader + SwingTrader

Dec 15, 2021

After showing up on our Bearish Tickers early in the week NKE signaled a breakdown on SwingTrader Tuesday. 

On Wednesday ORBI Daytrader for the second day in a row offered a great intra-day setup as price swiftly fell to our second target SwingTrader Target.

All you have to do to trade with the MomentumOptions Trading System is check scanners to know which tickers you should be paying attention to, pull them up and wait for the signals, gradually take profits as targets hit, close when trailing stop is violated, and then repeat! 

Monday setup on NKE on 11/14 with ORBI


Tuesday setup on NKE on 12/15 with ORBI

NKE SwingTrader setup on 12/15 

It's that easy to navigate the market using Momentum Options PRO, all you have to do is follow the real-time trading plan! 

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