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Price is all that matters!

Aug 04, 2022

At Momentum Options We Understand, Price Is All That Matters.

Price just like all things that are moving are subject to Newton's Laws of Motion which state :

1. If price is moving UP or DOWN, it will continue to move in that direction unless acted upon by an equal and opposite force.

2. The speed at which price moves is directly correlated to the strength of the trend and the amount of buying/selling pressure being exhibited.

3. For every buyer in the market there is a seller making that transaction possible. The real trick is to figure out whether there are more buyers or sellers ;)

This is why the Founder of Momentum Options and creator of the Momentum Options Trading System has programmed sophisticated trading algorithms which are able to perform complex technical analysis in just seconds which before the invention of computers was simply not possible.

Our programs are able to analyze and interpret a vast quantity of data in a matter of seconds and provide users with only the relevant information needed to identify profitable trading opportunities and know how to navigate them.

With the Momentum Options Trading System all you have to do is :

1. Check Scans for Best Stocks To Trade

2. Check Market Internals To Help Navigate Market Intraday

3. Wait for Price Tools (ORBI / SwingTrader) to signal entry (enter when you get signals).

4. Take at price targets. (Setup automatic orders for SwingTrades if unable to watch).

5. Exit if price closes beyond trailing stop, when out of contracts or if opposite trade is signaled.



It works no matter market direction as you can see in the bearish example below. 

What if the market isn't trending / is choppy? 

When timeframes are mixed and the market are just being choppy. Quickly spot and capitalize on reversal moves using TrendMomentum! 

Using Momentum Options Trading System, you will be able to find intraday setups every day!

Momentum Options Trading System also comes with a set of tools to help you find longer term opportunities. SwingTrader is the most sophisticated Swing trading trading indicator available for retail traders. 

Just like ORBI does for day trader, Swing Trader gives you a detailed trading plan on swing trading opportunities (monitored on a D timeframe). But It also gives you important information about the overall stock health, S/R, trend lines and much more!

You can now easily spot short and long Swing Trading opportunities without having to chart for hours! 

Here is an example of how it works for a bearish trade.

No more second guessing your trading decisions or wondering what price will do next. The Momentum Options Trading System performs all of the in depth analysis required to navigate the market profitably and stay on the winning side.

After all, if your trading isn't making you money, why do you want to be in?


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