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The bears came out in force today! ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ“‰

Apr 26, 2022
The bears came out in force today! ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ“‰
And traders using the Momentum Options Trading System knew exactly how to profit from the price action and were alerted with real-time signals to enter.
Here's how it works...
At Market open (9:30 AM EST), the market internals indicated that we were in a “Bear Market” and it was about to "Sell-Off"!
With our bearish symbols, full of tickers to trade, our traders knew exactly where to focus their attention for A+ trading opportunities.

By 10AM, ORBI Daytrader was signaling breakdown on SPY, AAPL, and later FB letting us know it was time to enter. In no time at all price fell fast-hitting multiple targets and giving our members a chance to lock in big gains! ๐Ÿ’ฐ ๐Ÿค‘
With 85% Win Rate, the Momentum Options Trading System was designed to bring users consistency and most importantly success in the markets! It's a complete trading solution that analyzes all of the data for you in order to only provide the most crucial and profitable information
And ask yourself, are you ready to become profitable?

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