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The levels every day trader needs to have going into the week of Oct 27

Oct 27, 2019


BA got news a couple Friday’s ago and made this big bear flag. Last week BA back tested our resistance level and sold off even while the market was heading towards ATHs. This week we will be looking for the breakdown. However, a close above that resistance is bullish and a sign to enter calls with 357.17 resistance as target.


SPY in this ascending wedge on the Daily at all time high resistance. I am expecting rejection and pull back to support while we build more room in the channel but a daily close above 302.02 is bullish as it’s never happened before and would likely inspire many shorts to begin covering their positions which would increase the buying and take the market it’s next leg higher.

If we do not break that resistance watch for an entry on puts to the supports marked in this chart where I would be a buyer as this market just keeps wanting to edge higher and higher.


If this market does take that next leg higher Tech is going to lead the way! QQQ closed above daily resistance on Friday and began heading toward it’s 199.25 daily target. As long as it can maintain above 194.62 I am bullish, a close below I will be bearish and looking for pull back to 188.95 support where I will be a buyer.


ROKU *update*

Has been bouncing between our support and breakout levels giving us multiple chances to profit on the up and down since last week. Momentum is becoming more bullish over this past week so I will be looking for the breakout this week. A close above 133.82 will take ROKU to these targets very quickly!



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